Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 230


What a perfect day for two engagement sessions! I met Shelley and Trevor at St. Ambroise Beach this afternoon. The gates are all up so we talked about it before-hand and agreed to just walk in together. Trevor and Shelley are having a destination wedding in Mexico this winter so we thought that the beach would be the perfect place for engagement shots. It was so warm that I actually convinced them to roll up their jeans and walk in the water - it certainly didn't feel like October today! Thanks Shelley and Trevor for a fun, relaxing session.

I met Erin and David later this afternoon for a fun engagement session as well. We toured around to a few yardsites I love as well as the rainbow bridge that is close to my place. We captured some beautiful shots of these high school sweet-hearts! I have to say, there was a funny moment when I stepped back for the perfect shot and literally stepped into a fresh cow-patty! Luckily, these two are farm kids and just took it in stride. I thought I had a pair of flip flops in my car (as I left my shoe intact in the cow patty), but it turned out all I had was a pair of high heels from a wedding I was at last weekend. So....not wanting to waste time going to get another pair of shoes, I just shot the remainder of the session in high heels! It was great to meet you Erin and David - best of luck with your winter wedding in the City next year!

I have to say I love engagement sessions. They are so fun to shoot and I must admit, pretty easy as well. Usually the couple is so happy to be entering this exciting time in their lives and it's pretty fun to capture the love and excitement. Sometimes it takes a little coaxing for the guys, but eventually they see that I'm pretty quick and painless when it comes to photographing them. Well done Trevor and David! LOL!

Here are a couple shots from my e-sessions today! Today was a day where I really love what I do!


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