Friday, October 1, 2010

My Life....

I am going to admit that I have had my priorities a bit out of whack the last few weeks, possibly even months. I have been booking sessions, working, editing and having a hard time balancing it all. I have been having a very hard time saying NO to clients and bookings, and because of this have had to say NO to my kids more than I want to. This is going to change. I left my job at City Hall a couple years ago because I was struggling to manage home, kids, work, etc. I was in love with photography and was going to pursue it on a part-time basis. What was supposed to be a part-time venture has turned into more than full time. I realize a photo session usually only lasts a couple hours, but I am not sure everyone realizes the hours upon hours of editing that goes on after a session. I am very lucky to be able to "work" from home, and thus being able to be her with my kids, but even though I am "present" in the home....I haven't been completely "present" in their lives as much as I need and want to be.

I am still passionate about photography but have reached a point in my career where I need to step back, take a breath and figure out a way to balance it all. Hence why I am not taking anymore client bookings for 2010 and will be limiting the amount of sessions I take on in 2011. I am pleased and excited to have several weddings booked next spring, summer and fall. (I am absolutely SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THESE) Because of this, and the time that they take in editing, I will not be able to do four or five family sessions a week and will therefore be limiting these significantly.

I want to end by saying THANK YOU to all my valuable clients who have trusted me with their memories. I am so grateful for your trust in me and taking a chance on a relatively new photographer. It has been so great to meet all of you and your families and I hope to work with you again!

I had a couple days where I didn't have to shoot, but I couldn't resist pulling out my camera and shooting some shots off of my three favourite people!


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