Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 235

Today was a productive day for me. Finished up and mailed a pile of client files. I have been quite busy lately and trying to get things done in a timely fashion and sent out to clients so they have their images long before the Christmas holidays.

I had a session late this afternoon with Mr. Colby. I had this ...idea of going up onto our dyke and taking some pictures of him but never expected the mosquitoes to be so horrible. Honestly, Leanne and I had to run back to the house - they were unreal. Needless to say, Leanne got eaten alive and poor little Colby did too. It's October - why do we still have all these mosquitoes? Anyhow, for the five minutes we were up on the dyke I did manage to snap off some great pictures. Here is one that I love! You know me, I'm a sucker for pictures of kids with their Moms!

And yes, I realize I am posting this at 3:10 a.m. I went to bed early, but woke up in the middle of the night and could not get back to sleep! Thought I might as well be productive and get a bit of work done!

Day 235....Colby and his beautiful Mom (she has four sons - doesn't she look great?!)


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