Monday, November 1, 2010

Cherished Moments

I know to many of you this pictures is kind of silly as Jack isn't even looking at me. But every weekday morning I get up, get my two older boys off to school, pour myself a cup of coffee and check my emails and do some work at my laptop. Eventually, little sleepy head Jackson wakes up and comes into the room where I work and plops himself up on the big brown leather chair and chats with me. It usually starts off with a "whatcha doing Mum?" and from there we just chit chat! It's moments like this where I am so grateful I get to be "home" while I work. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found something I love to home. Next year my little man goes to kindergarten and we'll only have these little one-on-one opportunities every second day....and then the next year....I don't even want to think about that! Time goes way too fast.

I took a picture from my desk of my blonde-haired boy today....he wasn't even aware I took it as he was chattering away. I love it. To many, it's not even a great picture, but to me it's a memory I want to store away and keep forever!

Here is my Jack....during one of my favourite moments of the day.


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