Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 282

"This One's for You Buf!"

So, I had my friend's daughter doing a cartwheel as my profile picture yesterday and my sister-in-law Buffy thought it was me. To prove to her that I still "had it"....I ventured out this afternoon with my son Danny (he's home with an eye infection) and I attempted a cartwheel (or two) for my picture of the day! Let me just say, it's not that easy anymore....for one thing, I don't weigh 90 lbs like I used to when I could do these on a regular basis and another thing....it's a whole different story in Uggs, ski pants and mitts! Danny got a good laugh out of it, and I think even the cat was laughing!!

Anyhow, I still got it so here it is....Day 282....me attempting not to break my neck while proving to myself I am not that old!! Proud of me Buf?!?


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