Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 272

"Making More Memories....."

We had a great day today again! My parents, brother's family and sister's family came to the cabin for the day. It's always so nice to get together, as chaotic as it can get sometimes with seven grandsons!! I'm so grateful that all of my family still make the effort to make sure we continually get together, whether it be for a special occasion or "just because". Today was a "just because" day. Six of the seven boys headed outside for some sliding this afternoon. (soon you'll be able to join them Maddox!). They were having such a great time sliding down the hill in pairs. The three little ones are finally able to somewhat keep up with the three big boys. Unfortunately, the fun ended when Reese and Dawson crashed into a bush and unfortunately hit a tree. My heart skipped a beat as I watched them fly by me and saw where they were headed. I was sick about it, but they were both OK, just scared. My nephew Dawson hit his head, but was fine after a few of us looked him over. He was pretty brave as I know he was trying to stop the slide and keep Reese safe!

Needless to say, the sliding ended for the day, much to the dismay of the boys.

Day 272....more snow pictures! It was all I managed to take today, but I love them all!


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