Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 199


So, as you can see, I was pretty desperate for a photo today! The boys were outside playing but wanted NOTHING to do with my camera. My yard is an absolute disaster since I have been away most of the summer and there really wasn't much to take pictures of that caught my eye. I decided to take a little walk up the road and was admiring the blue sky and clouds. I sat down for a moment (yes, I don't claim to be "in-shape"). I was desperate for a shot so I put my feet up and snapped a pic. I thought it looked kind of cool against the sky. OK, so I know this is a pathetic picture, but it will have to do. I have a busy afternoon and know I won't have time to take a picture so this will have to do.

Here is Day pathetic attempt to continue on with my Project 365!


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