Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 220


OK, let me first start off by saying that I grew up on a farm. We didn't have "pets". We had stray cats each year and when I was little we had farm dogs. I am not an animal lover (sorry, I'm just not). So, when the kids started talking about a pet, and even more disturbing....a guinea... pig, I was just a tad alarmed. Guinea pigs to me are the same as a rat or a mouse....again, on the farm - we got rid of those with our stray cats. ;) I knew as soon as their Dad got wind of the guinea pig dream, it would be their's. And of course one night over supper, they started telling their Dad they would pay for their own guinea pigs because they had been saving their allowance. I admitted defeat knowing that not only does their Dad spoil them, but if they were willing to PAY for it, that we would in no time be the proud owner of a guinea pig! Yeesh. Off the four of them went to the Pet Store to make this exciting purchase.

Yes, I own a guinea pig. Actually, I own two guinea pigs. After a couple days the boys thought Gilbert was lonely so they (again with their Dad) headed back into town to buy Dylan a guinea pig (he named his Billy Maddison). I never thought I'd allow a rodent (Ok, yes I know it's not a rodent) "live" peacefully in my home, but it's here. The boys love them, and they've been pretty good at taking care of them too. I have learned if you put a hand towel in their cage, they will bury themselves under it and stay there for the day (hence, I don't have to shudder everytime I walk past the cage) ;) But regardless of how I feel about these little creatures, the smile on Danny's face in this picture makes it worthwhile (that's what I'm telling myself).

Here is Gilbert....Billy Maddison will make his debut on another day. Yeesh - what have I got myself into!!

Day 220.....


. said...

i had guinea pigs! they are such good little pets and they are so cute how they squeak and even cuter when they popcorn. i got a bunch of different fleece from a fabric store and used that on the floor of their cage and then they could play around in it and lay on it and it was easy to switch out and wash and always keep the cage clean. they are fun pets you will learn to love them!

Tricia said...

I had a class room pet guinea pig for 3 years. they are very lovable. if you have fruit trees in your yard (apple) chop off a branch they love them!! also shoe boxes make great disposable houses for eating and sleeping, easy to pitch when they get dirty and TP rolls = hours of fun! Cinnamon lived over 10 years....:)

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