Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 216

"Angie and James ~I Do!~

What a beautiful day for a wedding! I had the pleasure of shooting James and Angie's wedding today. What a fun day! I hadn't met either of them before their wedding, we had done all our communcation via emails. I have met Angie's sister before, as I did her grad pictures this past June. ...All I can say is both sides of the families are marvelous people. They were all so friendly and so easy to work with.

After the ceremony at the Canad Inns, we headed down to Fort La Reine Museum for some family, bridal party and couple pictures. Everyone was so gracious as I bossed them around (sorry!). James and Angie thought that a large group picture of both the families would be a cool idea so we rallied the troops and took this photo. You don't often see that at a wedding, but it's a great idea as it's a combination of the Bride and Groom's families.

All in all, it was a fabulous day. Angie and James literally thought of everything. The details of this wedding were fantastic....can't wait to share them with all of you!

Thank you again Angie and James (as well as their families). You made me feel like part of the family today.

Day 216...a marvelous group of people from the wedding today!


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