Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 211


The list was long today....spring cleaning (yes I know it's fall...that's how behind I am), editing two family sessions, laundry....blah blah blah....long story short - it was a crazy day. I am longing for my wonderful, carefree days at my cabin with my boys and we're only a week into school.

I decided to take a break from it all and take Jack for a walk. We packed a lunch and headed up to the dyke to look around and "find treasures". We sat and talked for an hour - well, he talked - I listened....he's a chatterbox. I wish I had been able to do these same special little things with my older boys, but when they were Jack's age I had little babies to care for and walks on the dyke weren't really ideal. I guess that is one of the benefits of being the baby of the family.

Anyhow, I'm rambling (I'm told I'm a chatterbox too!) Here is Day 211....Jack on our "adventure".


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