Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 208

"Where I Work"

I woke up today to an ugly, dreary, rainy, windy day. Yuck! I was supposed to be doing a fun photo session with Mandy Wark Photography and Ravenshoe Photographics but needless to say, that didn't happen due to the weather. It would have been a crazy-fun session, let's just say it involved a 13 old wedding dress and Panther bride (Mandy says I'm not a Cougar yet!). Too bad it didn't work out guys. I was dying to meet Mandy and looking forward to seeing Jeff again. If you want to see some fabulous work, check out their pages!

I wasn't very inspired to take pictures today, but I knew I had to take something today so I took a picture of where I spend most of my days - at my work space. I have moved my "office" all over my home in the past couple years....basement, spare rooms, studio, etc. but finally decided the best place is in my big living room where I can be close to my kids and beside my big, bright windows. Jack wanted to "work" with me today so I set up the other laptop for him to work on as well!

Anyhow got tons accomplished work-wise so all in all, it was a good day, despite the rainy day.

Day 208....where I "live"!See More


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