Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 119


I have spent the day at the ball park so you would logically assume my "Picture of the Day" would be baseball pictures, however, I have posted a lot of ball pictures on my Project 365 so I thought I'd do something different. I couldn't resist taking pictures of this butterfly. It would fly away, and come back to this spot. I don't know much about butterflies, but I thought it looked kinda pretty.

Since my Uncle Mervin has passed away, butterflies have become quite significant to my sister, sister-in-law, Mom and I. It seems like whenever we are talking about him, out of nowhere a butterfly appears. I know to some of you that may sound weird, but it's happened more than a few times when we're all together and we all notice and then just kind of quietly smile about it. Do we think Uncle Merv is that butterfly? Not really, but for some reason we find it all very comforting.

Here is Day 119.....enjoy this sunny day everyone!


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