Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 124

"Getting Ready for Dad's Day"

Well, more rain today.  Wow.  Can't believe how horrible this weather has been in the last month.  I feel for the farmers out there as they can't seem to catch a break.  This certainly isn't a stellar year to be a farmer in Manitoba.  I talked to my Dad today and he said it sure doesn't look good back home.

On a lighter note, it's Father's Day on Sunday!  The boys were looking for something to do so I thought we should make a few "banners" to hang around the house to surprise their Dad.  I got out the paint and markers and let them have at it.  I didn't foresee the foot and hands in the paint, but I have to admit, I like the effect on their posters! ;)  They were quite excited about their "art".

So, for Day 124, he is my two younger boys in all their painting glory!  Hope the sun shines for all of you over the weekend!


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