Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 85/365

Day 85/365, originally uploaded by Memories by Me Photography.
Well, another gloomy, cold and windy day around here. Jackson is getting stir-crazy being stuck indoors. If I had a dime for everytime he said "I'm bored" in the last couple weeks, I'd be rich!

When I was a kid, my Mom used to make us forts out of the kitchen chairs and blankets. Jack has been into pirates lately so I thought I'd build him a "ship". I rearranged the living room and made our chairs and ottomon into a big ship. I had a flag, swords, stuffed animals to use as "mates" and everything else a little boy needs to be a pirate. Two minutes into playing he says "I have a great idea" and he brought up a cardboard box from the basement. That became his ship, which he played with all afternoon....and the mess in the living room became simply that - a mess! LOL! Oh well, he had fun!

Luckily I took a few pics of my little pirate today, at about 10:30 p.m. tonight I realized I completely forgot my Project 365 so I had to work with these three photos. There not great.... but they'll have to do as Day 85!


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