Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 87

"Role Reversal"

So, now I know what it feels like to be at the other end of the lens with small children!  All those times I told parents "don't look at your child, look at me...." and I couldn't take my own advice.  One of my best friends bought me a Mom & Me Session with Jeff Early of Ravenshoe Photographics. Tonight, the boys and I ventured to Fort La Reine Museum in Portage la Prairie for the session.  I worried away about what the boys should wear, what I should wear....and at the last minute wouldn't you know I couldn't find Jackson's new jeans I had bought him for the shoot.  Andrea to the rescue!  She lent me a pair of her youngest son's just in the nick of time. Now I know why some of you Moms show up a bit frazzled to your photo shoots.  I SO GET IT NOW!!  This was the first time my boys have had their picture taken professionally so I was a bit worried about how they would do.  The older two did great....the little guy, not so much!  He got his new dentures put back in today so he kinda had an "evil bunny" grin throughout the shoot! Oh well, that is my life!

For those of you who don't know Jeff Early of Ravenshoe Photographics, please check out his page on Facebook.  He is young, and he has the knowledge, experience and equipment to truly call himself a professional.  His Mom is his assistant and she is great.  She works so well with young children and comes equipped with bribes (a photographer's best kept secret).  She was handing out little tic tacs when the boys were good and they ate it right up (literally!).  Jack kept calling them woodticks....he'd finish a certain location and run over to her saying..."can I have another woodtick".  Hilarious!

Jeff and I have been "Facebook Friends" for months and have been talking about getting together to shoot some pictures, I didn't know the first time we'd meet he'd be taking my picture professionally.  Regardless it was great to finally meet him and his Mom face to face.  I look forward to seeing the pictures....but Jeff - no rush!  I know what it's like to have a bunch of pictures to go through....take your time.

Thank you Andrea for the wonderful gift.  And thank you Debra & Jeff for making my first time in front of the lens since my wedding day a relaxing and enjoyable experience!

OK, c' did you really think I wouldn't take my camera with me?!?  I only took it out at the end capture Jeff & Debra in action.  Here is Day 87!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog! It looks fantastic J!
I'm glad that you had a great time with Jeff! I'm sure all the pictures are amazing! I'm so looking forward to seeing them!

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