Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 91

"Before I know it, it will be his turn...."

So, today was a very busy day for me! I met a family of four at the Fort la Reine Museum and took some family pictures for them. I have just looked at a few and they look really nice. The two boys were great to work with, so smiley and cute! After that I raced home, KFC in hand, fed my kids and then prepped for two graduation sessions. One of the sessions was for Bradley, my husband's cousin and the other was for Taylor, a close family friend. I have known both of these boys for over twelve years and I cannot believe the time has flown by so fast and they are graduating from High School. Wow!

As we were getting ready for the grad photos, Jackson grabbed the grad cap and put it on. I turned around and snapped this picture quick and loved how it turned out. Time flies so fast....and before I know it, it's going to be his turn. I'm going to make the most of my time with my kids while I can. Another reason I'm so grateful for my "job" is it allows me to be home with my children, enjoying all these "moments" that will soon be a memory.

Here is Day 91.....


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