Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 98

"Lovely Lilacs"
So, today was my 36th birthday.  I had a great day....started out opening wonderful gifts from my three boys.  Their Dad gave them each money and set them loose in Wal-Mart and I'm so surprised at how much they "know whay I like".  It was so much fun opening up their gifts - they were so cute!  Then we went for a bit of a drive to kill time before my parents & sister came over.   We came across this beautiful lilac bush and I had to stop and take a picture.  We had lilacs.....until my husband tried to burn around our yard, and long story short - no more lilac bushes.  :( 

My parents & sister's family came and we had a great time, kids played, we ordered in Chinese and of course, my sister made me my all-time favourite cake -carrot cake with cream cheese icing - Yummy!  All in all, it was a wonderful day....just a few important people in my life were missing, but most of them were here with me to celebrate.

So, on my birthday, my "picture of the day" is my favourite flower.....the lilac. 

Here is Day 98.....


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