Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 97

"Rainy Days"

So, today I woke up to a windy, rainy cool day at the cabin. At first I was disappoined, but then thought - well, perfect day for some reading and sipping coffee so that's exactly what I'm going to do.  I knew I needed to do my Project 365 for the day, and the boys have decided to stay in their pj's for the day and vegg so nobody is "photo-ready" so I just took a few shots around the cabin that I look at and make me smile.

As you all know, I'm a quote person. I live my life by quotes and sayings. Whenever I need a pick-me-up or inspiration, I turn to my book of quotes. Through happy and sad times in my life, I have turned to the written word to sustain me and guide me. My friend Andrea gave me Oprah's "Words that Matter" for my birthday and I have already read it cover to cover. It has now become my new "favourite book".

Here is Day 97, along with my favourite quote about rain.....

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

-Dolly Parton



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